Play in Fullscreen for the best experience!


This is a short game, which focuses on the movement of you and your sword(s). Use the crazy physics as an advantage and maybe you can even beat our time ? :D


  • WASD / Arrow key
  • Mouse
  • T -> Show Time
  • H -> Reset  full game


I don't like the Man Across River and cannot reach him. Maybe we can get random swords around here and see them Joined Together to sweep him! :D
- Slime


Code and assets are selfmade and are free to use :D 
Everything is open source at:

Enjoy the game,
Wlad & Stas


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(1 edit)

This was one of the GMTK games the jam wanted me to rate. It's overall decent for 48 hours. It's basically a topdown Deepest Sword but pretty cool. Now, for the problems. The loading screens are unnecesary and confusing, it's overall a glitchy game, and the goal of it is to kill someone? You get bonus points for including the Master Sword. I will go rate it now.

great!! i love berserk, this was very fun